Sunday, March 2, 2014

Burt's Bees Chapstick DIY

I love Burt's Bees. Who doesn't, right? It's akin to kittens and chocolate. You love it or you love it. Normally I'm DIYing things because I can do it cheaper and better, but I'm recreating Burt's Bees for a whole other reason: They discontinued my favorite flavor. 

Anyone else ever had the clove oil Burt's Bees chapstick? It's phenomenal. It tingles, smells nice, and is super ultra healing like all of their chapsticks are. 

So, to get to the root of this, I emailed corporate Burt's Bees. Here's their response:

Very disappointing. I took to Ebay to find some clove oil chapstick.

This was really disappointing, too. If I want this chapstick, it'd be a million dollars, but I guess on the bright side, it's free shipping...

Since I'm never getting my paws on real Burt's Bees, I'm making it myself!

  • 3 tbsp beeswax pellets
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil (or cocoa butter)
  • 1/4 cup sunflower oil
  • 8 drops of Vitamin E oil
  • 9 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 12 drops of clove essential oil
You also need some chapstick tubes! I went on Amazon to buy an entire bag of these bad boys. 100 for $20! 


This was super easy to do. First, you want to set up a double boiler in your kitchen. Here's mine: 
Simple method. All you do is place a glass Pyrex bowl in a pot of boiling water and let the steam melt everything! This is very important to do because the direct heat of melting all the oils in a pot will make a huge mess and burn all of your fancy oils. 

In the photo above, I've already added all of my ingredients except the essential oils. Heating essential oils will lead to a degradation of the scents which totally defies the point of doing this at all. 

After it's all melted, add your essential oils! I then used a chopstick to dip in the lovely mixture and test it out. Once it's the texture you like, try rubbing some of it on your lips and see if there are enough essential oils in it for your taste! For example, my chapstick tingles a little bit because of the peppermint, so test it out and see if there's enough tingle for your life!

Here's where I destroyed our kitchen and made a huge mess doing this.

Pouring the oils into the tubes was the most difficult part of this entire endeavor. We tried pouring them into the tubes with a funnel, but then if we poured too quickly, it spilled everywhere. It was a hassle. Invest in an eye dropper if you're going to do this. Seriously. This was an issue. 


My chapstick finally dried, and it turned out really well! It feels almost exactly how the Burt's Bees clove oil chapstick felt, and I'm so proud that I was able to make it myself! Now I don't have to pay $99 for some tubes of chapstick. 


  1. Thank you so much for this tutorial! I work at a health food store and was heartbroken to find out we couldn't carry the clove lip balm anymore. I had an herbalist friend make me a small tin using her own recipe and I've been cherishing every application knowing it's inevitably going to run out. I was going to try to figure out its formula using some basic lip balm recipes but thanks for doing the dirty work for me. ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Used this recipe to make some lip balm for my sister in law who loved the clove burt's bees. it turned out great! thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks, Burt's only stopped selling it because it was TOO good and actually healed your lips stopping you from buying more every couple of days. Too bad.

  5. Thank you for doing this .. truly heart broken to know they canceled this flavour , especially when it was the only medicated lip balm that helped with my sickness . Remembering when they first canceled it my mom spent close to 200 to get me a case of 26 to hold me over . Now I’m 30 and still struggle to buy just one to keep me afloat . I’ll try this and see if I can make my own . Thank you
